IWI Events

    Fast and reliable check-in

    Using the manual search or our ticket scanner,
    waiting lines will become a thing of the past.

    Super fast check-in for all events

    Welcome is the IWI Events check-in app designed to filter arrivals,
    submit polls to participants and formally authenticate.

    A very versatile check-in app

    A complete and versatile check-in solution

    Set up the app according to the specifics of your event: multiple access points, QR code scanning, last minute guests, legal terms and conditions opt-in, photo taking, on-screen signature or even data collection in the form of surveys.
    Our application works on all types of devices in a web or native version (iOs and Android), even without a connection.

    Guests scanning and look-up

    Our app embeds a QR code reader that allows you to scan attendees' invitations to greet them in seconds.

    A smart search bar also allows you to easily find a guest in the database simply by typing its name.

    Guest look-up and QR code scanning

    Automated communications

    Emails automatiques et SMS

    Use our email template designer to create beautiful welcome emails and have them sent automatically whenever a guest is checked-in.

    You can also configure the application to receive an SMS every time a VIP guest arrives.

    Download detailed reports

    Export all the data collected during the check-in with comprehensive Excel reports.

    Print PDF attendance reports with each guest's collected data, signature, photo, and acceptance of legal conditions.

    Track arrivals as well as the actions of your welcome team throughout the event. Graphs and statistics are updated in real time.

    Download PDF reports

    On screen signature and pictures

    On-screen signature and opt-in

    Our app allows guests to sign directly on the screen of the tablet/smartphone to certify their attendance.

    You can also ask guests to accept legal conditions (Opt-in). Your hosts and hostesses can take a picture of the guests, an ID or any other document required to access the event.

    A survey tool also allows you to collect data during the check-in or check-out.

    Multiple checkpoints

    Control the access to yiur event with multiple control points and synchronized listings. There are no limits : you can control entries and exits in each and every space of the venue.

    Smart search

    Our Check in App allows you to welcome thousands of participants in no time. Search directly for a guest, by name, company or email.

    QR code scanning

    Our application features a QR code scanner that allows you to scan the PDF tickets sent to guests upon registration or their QR code received via email.

    On-screen signature

    Our digital on-screen signature system allows you to authenticate the arrival of a guest extremely easily. Reporting is also super easy thanks our PDF export displaying all collected signatures in one single document.

    Opt-in & Pictures

    A check-in can require the validation of a condition by the visitor. You can also require a document to be photographed like a driver's licence or a certificate.


    Turn visitor flows into a gold mine with our check-in surveys. Results are available in real time from your administration platform.


    Our application works on any type of device: computer, tablet, smartphone. You can download the application from the Apple App Store, Google Play or use it directly in the browser of your device.

    Offline support

    Don't be afraid of network problems and internet outages. Our application also works offline. As soon as the connection is restored, all devices will be synchronized again.


    Our app is fully secured with end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication. Data privacy is ensured and compliant with the GDPR.

    Any questions?

    IWI events is a complete tool for connected events organizers

    Get all the tools you need in one place

    IWI events is designed to gear up your event with a great registration website.

    We can also power your event with a complete event app to make conferences interactive and stimulate networking. Our dashboard includes comprehensive metrics as well as an export center. You control everything in real time, including all arrivals.

    Download our check-in app

    Start welcoming guests on iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone or tablet.