IWI Events

    Create immersive

    Engage participants with our live streaming
    and our videoconferencing system.

    Créez des événements virtuels immersifs

    IWI Events is a complete solution for virtual and hybrid events:
    registration forms, interactive live streams, post-event survey, replays...

    Interactive streaming designed for large audiences

    Live streaming en plénière

    Host large-scale virtual events with IWI Events.

    Bring all the participants together in a virtual plenary on your event website and make it available as an interactive low-latency Live Stream.

    We take care of every technical detail so your guests can enjoy a flawless experience around the globe.

    Large scale videoconferences

    Whether it's for small group meetings or workshops, our videoconferencing solution is the perfect tool for virtual and hybrid formats where participants need to be able to voice their opinion.

    Our videoconferencing tool allows your participants to address the audience, share their screen and broadcast presentations via an intuitive and ergonomic tool.

    Module de visio-conférence

    Interactive virtual events

    Interactivité virtuelle

    Your virtual and hybrid events have never brought people together that way!

    Our live streaming and videoconferencing solution carries a variety of interactivity features. Participants can express themselves in the moderated chat and you can submit quiz questions and polls.

    Whether it's on the event website or on a smartphone, there's always a way to engage your audience. Everyone can participate!

    Simplified access

    Make your virtual event super easy to access and maximize traffic to your site with our emailing tool.

    Create automated and personalized email campaigns.
    Your guests access your event website with a single click thanks to our auto-login system, without having to enter a login and password.

    The videoconference is one click away from the invitation email!

    Engagement facilité

    Detailed stats

    Des statistiques détaillées

    Our event management software gives you access to detailed attendance statistics for each stream and videoconference.

    You also track the number of viewers and their level of engagement in real time.


    Our live streaming and videoconferencing solution works all over the world, without any restrictions. We guarantee low latency and easy access for everyone.

    Live streaming

    Bring all your guests together in a virtual event directly on your event website. Broadcast your stream in our Live Streaming player.


    Our WebRTC videoconferencing module includes a variety of options. Integrated to your event website, our videoconferencing module is compatible with every modern web browser.


    Our Live Stream solution is compatible with all stream providers. You can integrate any iframe on the IWI Events virtual event platform with a few clicks.

    Video recording

    Recording of videoconferences is included in your license. We also offer the recording of Live Streams. Replays can be made available to your audience on your event website.


    The moderated chat module is available for both Live Streams and videoconferences. Participants can express themselves and interact freely in real time using WebSockets. You are in control thanks to our moderation system.

    Quizzes & polls

    Engage your audience and collect valuable data during your Live Streams and videoconference sessions. Questions appear directly on the screen. You can view the results in real time and export them.


    Our Live Stream and videoconferencing interface offers advanced moderation options. You control who can take the floor, the waiting list, the overlay, and the layout seen by the audience. You are the director!

    Adaptative bitrate

    Our module is flexible. Depending on the configuration of your virtual event, we adjust the video and audio quality. You obtain a tailored streaming solution with adaptative bitrate!

    Digitalize your events

    Let's start building your next digital event together!